Thursday, May 23, 2013

Let's start the Summer Right

May Reading


The Book of Atrix Wolfe
Patricia A McKillip
A mage who has believed he committed a terrible crime turns into a wolf, he has to live with what he does. He soon finds out the people he has grown to care about are seeking him out with the help against his own creation, a Hunter who was used to kill and destroy the enemies of his king. Can he destroy what he created before it goes wild?

Its a good story, but ran a little long and didn't have much detail. I do enjoy the fact that Atrix was a great writer. The writer does have a great bit of work on artwork in painting the images of the characters and the story itself.

I would say yes, read it if you want something that has some interesting action scenes, and also some connections to nature.

The Tower at Stony Wood
Patricia A McKillip
During a time of a royal wedding a knight decides that maybe his bride isn't all what she seems, he hears a tale from a Bard that sends him into shock. He decides that going on the quest to rescue a princess in a tower and find out the terrible truth.

The story dos have action, it is pretty weaving of characters and more. I would say read it when you can, and work with it. The story can be a little long and yes, you do have to muscle your way through it it if you're not used to the read. Her style is a little odd.


(Check with me in June)


(Check back in June)

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