Saturday, December 11, 2010

December Reviews


Woman with the Dragon Tattoo

A writer under investigation for plagerism finds himself suddenly asked by a fan to help solve a family mystery. The family has a spotty past and a secrets of a said murder the haunts each member to their own deaths.

When I picked up the book, it was in Texas, but when seeing the actual movie, I was impressed. The action was good and the characters are true to the book. The movie draws out a lot of the book and also a lot of different things that did not happen in the book.


The Girl Who Played with Fire
by Stieg Larrason

Lisabeth is back, but this time she's in trouble, her good friend, Mikael Blomkvist has his magazine back. He is on the verge of uncovering a massive human trafficking problem and it goes to the highest officials.

This book is rather dragged out a bit from the last, but it still holds the edge of a good mystery. The main character, Lizabeth is blamed for something she didn't do and you have to uncover who is doing it.


(None for this month sorry)


(None for this month sorry)